The Pieters Laboratory

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Rashid Akbergenov
Biozentrum, Room: 10.Q4

Rashid Akbergenov – Research Associates


Rashid earned an MS degree from Kazakh State University (Almaty, Kazakhstan), followed by graduate studies at the Institute of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry (Almaty, Kazakhstan) working on plant translation regulation as well as studying the mechanisms of viral mRNA translation enhancement in plants. During his Ph.D. he conducted collaborative research at Volcani Center (Bet-Dagan, Israel), the Friedrich Miescher Institute (FMI, Basel), the Institute of Molecular Biology (Witten/Herdecke, Germany) and the Institute of Protein (Moscow, Russia). Rashid completed his Ph.D. in 2002, continuing research on related topics at the FMI, the Botanical Institute (Basel), and the Institute of Medical Microbiology (Zurich). In 2023 he joined the lab as research associate to work on understanding molecular mechanisms underlying coronin-mediated cell population size regulation.